9-30782 AirSense ModuLaser, Command display module

Command display module
The Command Display Module features a user interface which consist
of a TFT color display, navigation buttons and status LED’s.
Configuration of the Command Display Module (and associated
detectors across the SenseNET network ) can be done via the user
interface, or via a computer using Remote software. The TFT color
display support simple operations like changing configuration options
via a menu driven structure, but also advanced features like viewing
the chart recording in graphical format.
The Command Display Module support up to 127 modules across the
SenetNET network. The 127 modules can be any combination of
ModuLaser modules as well as Micra’s and HSSD2’s. The use of the
Command Display Module creates an easy to use central point from
where all modules/detector on the network can be accessed, and all
alarms and faults are reported.

Perfect solution
Thanks to advanced features that make it virtually impervious to dust
and dirt, ModuLaser is ideal for use in hostile environments that would
disable other kinds of smoke detectors. Forward scattering optical
detection adds early warning capability without the risk of nuisance
alarms normally associated with high sensitivity smoke detection, while
exclusive environmental compensation technology adds a high degree
of reliability to an already solid detection solution


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