The AlarmLine II Analogue EN Linear Heat Detection (LHD) system
comprises of AlarmLine II Analogue EN Linear Heat Detection (LHD)
sensor cable (AAE-xxxx), a AlarmLine II Analogue EN Controller
The AACUSP is a self programmable, Analogue Liner Heat Detection
(LHD) cable control unit. It provides monitoring for any of the Alarmline
II range of LHD sensor cable, configuration of alarm and...
The AACULP is a PC programmable, Analogue Liner Heat Detection
(LHD) cable control unit. It provides monitoring for any of the Alarmline
II range of LHD sensor cable, configuration of alarm and pre...
The AAE-0500 is an analogue linear heat detection cable in a PVC
outer sheath, supplied in 500m lenghts. It is suitable for indoor
applications where sensor cable is unlikely to be subjected to...
The AAN-0500 is an analogue linear heat detection cable in a Nylon
outer sheath, supplied in 500m lenghts. The nylon outer sheath
provides additional UV protection making it suitable for external...
The AAP-0500 is an analogue linear heat detection cable in a
Polypropylene outer sheath, supplied in 500m lenghts. The clear
polypropylene outer sheath provides additional chemical protection...
The AASS-0500 is an analogue linear heat detection cable in a PVC
outer sheath with a Stainless Steel braid, supplied in 500m lenghts.
Similar in character to the standard PVC LHD sensor cable, the...
The AASSN-0500 is an analogue linear heat detection cable in a
Nylon outer sheath with a Stainless Steel braid, supplied in 500m
lenghts. Similar in character to the standard Nylon LHD sensor cable...
The AAECU-EOL is a replacement End-Of-Line unit for use with the
AlarmLine II Analogue EN Liner Heat Detection (LHD) cable control
unit. The AAECU control unit is supplied with an AAECU-EOL...
The AACU-EOL is a replacement End-Of-Line unit for use with the
Alarmline II Analogue Liner Heat Detection (LHD) cable control unit.
The AACULP and AACUSP control units are supplied with an AACU-...
The AAECU-PCC offers configuration software and suitable USB
cable for programming AlarmLine II Analogue EN LHD (Linear Heat
Detection) cable controllers. The windows based application software...
The AACU-PCC offers configuration software and suitable USB cable
for programming Alarmline II, LHD (Linear Heat Detection) cable
controllers. The windows based application software allows for...